Frequently Asked Questions

For Fans

Is this website safe?
We hope so. But then again, there are some books that might challenge you.
If you are buying a book, you can be confident. Your transaction is securely handled.

Where do I download my purchase?
You can download your purchases from the download page you’re directed to after finishing the checkout process, or from the links we email to you at the time of sale.

Which format should I download?
The download format is the one that suits the device you are using for reading. We have the major formats available.

What about printed versions?
We do have printed books for most of our titles. Due to our relationships with booksellers, the printed versions are available from book stores and websites of various booksellers.

For Writers

Is Liberty Gift a publisher?
Yes, in a modern understanding, Liberty Gift is a publisher. We release books on behalf of authors. However, if you are thinking of one of those big publishers that used to control the book industry, then we do not fit that. The book industry has changed a lot.

What is liberty Gift about?
Liberty Gift is about helping people connect.
People are looking for books they want to read. We want to help them find it.
Authors are looking for people who are interested in their writing. Sometimes, we can help them.

What about Apple, Amazon, etc?
You can find books from our writers on many well-known book sites, including Apple and Amazon.
You are welcome to purchase from those sites if you prefer.

Do you accept submissions?
Possibly. Why not contact us and start a relationship. Better to find out whether we are a good fit for each other before you start sending us your work.

Are there any fees?
We do not charge any upfront fees to our writers.

What about the money?
Our business model is not about fees. We only earn money if our writers are earning money.

We should be honest with each other about money. Unknown writers are unlikely to receive very much from selling their work.
It takes time to establish a reputation as a writer and attract people to purchase your books.
If you are expecting to make lots of money, then we suggest you look elsewhere.

What about so and so?
We have all seen the stories of new writers who have found quick success. They are inspiring.
They are also unusual.
Many talented writers do not enjoy that instant attention. It takes time and work for most authors.